Klubokawiarnia Ostro is a place located in the heart of Lublin. It has an original concept. Our menu consists of bold and innovative dishes inspired by cuisines from around the world as well as regional cuisine. We also serve desserts, drinks, coffees and teas and beverages. Klubokawiarnia Ostro is pet-friendly. We deal with the broadly understood guest service, including organizing special events (birthdays, company events, business meetings) and organizing dance parties.
by phone or by the website form
Menu of OSTRO consists of bold fusion of ingredients and regional products.
The interior of OSTRO exudes energy and intensity which turn on taste buds
Except for good food there is also a wide range of concerts and DJ sets here.
ser gouda | szynka | twaróg z Krasnegostawu ze szczypiorkiem | jajecznica |masło | cebularz wypiekany na miejscu | świeże pieczywo
twaróg z Krasnegostawu |
świeży chleb | cebularz |chrzan | cytryna
podany z jajkiem, gotowanymi ziemniaczkami i mizerią