Jacek Śliwiński

I was born and live in Lublin. I am a graduate of the 3rd High School Unii Lubelskiej and the Faculty of Humanities of the Catholic University of Lublin. I worked in marketing companies and as a trader in Warsaw and Lublin. Currently, I am developing social projects as part of the “Society for Nature and Man”, mainly in the Bicycle Agreement group. In the local and industry press, I publish texts in the field of urban, social and cultural journalism. On social networks I run literary profiles and profiles concerning urban space as well as cycling and walking. I support the activities of local groups sensitive to the subject of cultural space. My interests include contemporary literature, Zen gardens and haiku poetry. I passionately explore city alleys and often organize bicycle trips — along the streets and shortcuts of the city and suburban transport network. I co-created the Lublin Bicycle Infrastructure Map and animate activities such as “Social Cargo Rental”, “Lublin Critical Mass”, “Lublin by bike”.