What Lublin monuments talk about? Part 2

What Lublin monuments talk about? Part 2

This walk is the second part of a series of 3 walking tours that follow the route of Lublin’s monuments. Participants will get to know the circumstances of their creation and the interesting facts related to them. They will learn more about their creators and initiators. Perhaps, they will create a new monument committee…

The second route will cover the area of ​​the Academic Campus and its surroundings. And so the participants will set off in front of the Catholic University of Lublin building, where a monument to Kamil Cyprian Norwid was erected. In the University courtyard, they will see one of the most beautiful and first monuments of John Paul II in Poland, depicting the Homagium scene. In the area of ​​the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska, we will admire several commemorations, of a very different nature: the Monument to the Patroness of this university, the Monument to the murdered Lviv Professors, the Rector Raabe’s Bench (the most distinguished rector in the history of this institution), the Monument to the January Insurgents shot in this area, and finally the monuments-images of UMCS professors in the recent Professor Seidler Square. Participants will visit the Garrison Church to see one of the series of works by W. Markiewicz – the Katyn Monument.

Then they will go along Radziszewskiego Street to the Archbishop Józef Życiński Square to see the brand new monument of priest Idzi Radziszewski, a founder of the Catholic University of Lublin. Nearby, in front of the Philharmonic, there is a monument to the Lublin musician, Henryk Wieniawski. After returning to Aleja Racławickie, the guide will talk about the Chapel of God’s Passion at the Choleric Mound. Optionally, the participants will go to the Saski Garden to read the inscription on the monument to learn who and when founded the park. At the end of the tour, competition for the participant’s favorite monument of the tour will be organized.


Polish, French, Polish, French
Specialised tour, Specialised tour
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Tuesday, Niedziela, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
up to 3 hours,  
Route length:
3 km
Number of participants:

250 PLN

For kids
For adults
For the elderly
For people with special needs
For pets

Reserve the walk by phone or e-mail using a contact data below

Beata Petkiewicz

Beata Petkiewicz

I have been a guide for 9 years. I belong to the Society of City Guides in Lublin PTTK and the Lublin Association of Pilots and Tourist Guides “Pogranicze”. I work as an academic teacher and translator. Tours are available in Polish and French. Contact with people of different ages, professions and from different parts of the world is what attracts me the most in being a guide. Also, I would like Lublin and the Lublin region to become recognizable both among the inhabitants of our country and guests from abroad. People who contributed to the history of the city are the inspiration for my walks. Famous, but also nameless… they give it character, identity and build a unique atmosphere.

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